You bet there will,the last one I killed there were 17 in that bunch,now there are only 15

I have seen at least 5 more big toms and Jakes everywhere.Tiller David will show you also ,so you can learn 2 ways to hunt them,the Jesse crawl

and how to seat back and call them in,Shanon
said he would take you out also so you should have plenty of guides.Well Friday again and I have another big weekend planed,Only like a few ties to be done with the trophy arrows and in the process of sealing the snake bow.King Ron is coming down this evening and we plan some fresh Turkey breast for supper.UMMMMM good. I think me and GregB are going to work on some Hickory staves,it is getting about that time.May have some clean up to do,we had a bad storm yesterday so who knows what I will find when I get down there.I may even get a little time to try for one more Turkey in the morning,we will see. Hope yall have a big one also.Bro. Dan I doubt I make the
ky.Klassic,I think all my buddies have backed out and I don't want to drive up by myself.If I happen
to make it I will look you up. Life is good.
