Ya long drive for sure JW, we do 22/23 hours straight through every year going to the flat tops close to Meeker, just me and Beau, it's tiring for sure but always in a hurry and excited to get there so don't seem that bad

Had a great weekend, spent Thursday and Friday working on hides and feathers for the Classic trophies, then Saturday early went to the Buck Hollow shoot and spent most of the day, great time and good shoot, they had a big crowd and a fun course to shoot, I forgot my camera so no pictures, sure wished I had it, last target was a steel crow with a kill about the size of a large egg at 15/18 yards, I centered punched it, best shot of the day !! We have a new guy in the club,Bob, he is really wanting to learn some primitive skill so I am trying to help him along best I can, This is his first hide and he done really well, got it into raw hide so far, only cut a couple of small holes in the thin part of the hind quarters but that's part of the learning. over all great job

My feathers laid out and ready to split, need 120.
