Yes it dose BJ.

Been a great but very wet weekend, we needed the rain so not complaining , it did stop our planned Rabbit hunt but still had a good meeting and some time in the shop and around the fire, even got out a couple of time between the rain to shoot the practice range with several buddies, that's always a hoot.Spent most of my time working on knives, as we all know a man can't have to many knives.

I keep a few and find good homes for some so none go to waste.

Put the final coat of sealer on my neck knife sheaths , just need to make some lanyards and they are finished. Had a couple of blades a good friend gifted me so decided to put some scales on them, both nice blades. I don't do a lot of that kind of work but it was fun for a change. First scales are elk horn and the second out of a large leg bone.