Friday and no Jury again today,thank goodness.

Headed to the cabin when I get off,lots to do in the shop. I am putting the finishing touches on Paul's Osage and ready to finish tillering the IW take down,I am afraid it is going to miss weight,just have to wait and see.

Also started a vine Maple from billets yesterday,I got it put together and roughted in,needs some heat straighting and reflex added and also had a couple of worm holes,need to figure out what I am going to do on them,may rawhide it,again just have to wait and see. We also plan on going to a local Traditional shoot in the morning,it will be good to go and shoot and not have to work.

Can't forget Memorial day,a great day to remember all the folks that have helped keep this Country and all we have safe and secure. Many Thanks, Big salute to all of yall.

Life is Good.
