We were out of bow string material Matt.

Rich's long from Del arrived safe and sound yesterday,he said he loved it,glad he got it all in tact. I had a good afternoon,got my Osage finished tillered 54@28,a little less than I wanted but will work. Also got bottom limb take down sleeve glued up,now to get the top to slide in easy and should be ready for tillering. It was 8 year old IW billets and I am a little leery of it,seemed a little dry,didn't see any dry rot but the Minnie bow I made from it to start with didn't fair as well as I would have liked ,we will see very soon if it works out.

hate to loose my sleeves but it sure won't be the first bow I blew up.

Got Jury duty next 2 weeks ,

starting Monday, really dreading that. My days are very routine,when something happens to change my routine I don't like it much,this will do that for sure.

I I plan on trying the deft in one ear and don't hear well out of the other story and see how that works out for me.
