Happy anniversary Steve/Angie.She needs a award for 8 years with you.

What a great afternoon I had yesterday, I decided to hunt,the 2nd rut is beginning to kick in, should be in full swing by mid month so I went a the stand up above the cabin by a cut over corn field,about 3:30 had a couple of does come out to brows around about 50 yards from my stand,a few minutes later a nice 8 point came out pushing them around,I watched them for 30 minutes or so,they would get closer and then father away. Finally back in the woods on the other side of the field. Jimmy Blackman texs me and said he was flying and would be over the farm from Ft. Campble about dark,I said cool not thinking about the deer.About 4:30 here came the deer back out,same as before the buck just pushing them around,It was getting close to dark,maybe 15 minutes of shooting light left and I hear the helicopter coming,yes he did a low/tree top fly over.

The deer just stopped and watched, well the first and second one they did,the 3rd was all of that they wanted and headed back where they came from,It was very cool to watch their reaction and Jimmy was doing some mighty fine flying. Some might get upset about him running off the deer but I was quite relived because I knew I would be lucky if they pushed by me and it was getting dark,I hate nothing more than to have deer come in right at dark when I can't see well enough to shoot and get hung in the stand till well after dark not wanting to spook them of give away my location. Thank Jimmy for the fly over and getting me out of the tree at a reasonable hour.

Another thing I seen that I have never seen before,One of the big does was feeding and a bird [not sure what kind] would land on her back and just set there as she feed around,just riding along,the doe would look back at the bird and then just go back to feeding,very cool. OK long story but it was a great afternoon to be in the woods. Life is SO good.
