Thanks Joe,Elk meat is always good and the hides are good also,haven't got started on the brain tanning this year as of yet but will as soon as deer season slows down and that will be pretty soon. Steve glad you enjoy,that would be cool if she camps,you may want to bring a little bigger tent than you had last year.

I hope she is doing better,if she is wanting to camp she must be.

Friday and a pretty ugly day as far as weather goes,it is raining and they are calling for an Ice storm this evening and Sunday,hope they are wrong,snow is cool for us but ice is nasty for anybody. I plan on heading to the cabin when I get off if the weather don't get to bad and Miss Joanie needs me around home,she call the cabin my home away from home.

Plan on trying to hunt if the rain will stop and also try and finish tillering Rocky's bow and work on the handle.
Hope to shoot it this weekend. Hope yall have a good one. Stay safe,see ya Monday. Life is Good.
