Hello again....like i promised, whenn the bow is ready i will post some pictures...so...the bow is finaly finished, it wass a real challange trying to keep this bow in one piece....the belly of the bow wass full with cracks....and all the time,,whenn i tried to pull the bow to full draw, the belly of the bow starting to lok like little waves....like it wass going to delaminate.....so...finaly i decided to wrap the bow with hemp in those problematic areas....and thenn, for aspect, i decided to make some little wraps, also with hemp , to give him a moore primitive aspect.....the hemp wass soked in resin.....aniway, the bow is ok now....the cracks looks ok.....and im verry happy, to be the owner of a yew long bow....i know it sounds a little exagerate....but for me its like a dream come true.... i have to say thks again to my friend Ionut, who gave me the stave....thks alot man..

....so here is some pictures....

Here u can see the cracks on the belly....there wass to many cracks, and to be onest, without the hemp wrap, i dont think the bow would have survived...

This is the handle area......the bow has a knot placed at 4" on the upper arm....and one moore knot right where the arrow will pass...i did not picture him...

The tip of the bow....the bow have side noks, ...i like those side noks verry much...

Here is the bow unstrung....remember i told u that the stave had 2" of deflex from the start...i tried to straighten the stave and i managed to make her look straight, but it seams that she like's it how it wass before....and the deflex comes back....

Here is the full draw picture....the bow is 40# @ 28"...the string is a flemish string made from Kevlar...i hope u will like it....thks for all your help...