thanks Riley!
thanks Sawfiler!
thanks El D, ...when I shoot it I really can't tell that one limb is backed in bamboo and the other is backed in hickory, it just shoots really nice. The added weight of the takedown sleeves probably is the reason... It shoots fast and shoots where I tell it to so I am very happy indeed!

Thanks bullit!! Both pieces of ipe came from the same 2x8 board, so really all I did was rearrange them and then put them back together but you are right, they are a match made in heaven!

thanks aznboi! "bambickery" <<<<bamboo + hickory... hmm... can i steal this term you coined?

thanks hammertime! I was kinda hesitant with the handle Idea, Thought it might be "too much"
thanks medicinewheel (frank)! You were the one who taught me how to do tip overlays! thanks for the buildalong!
thanks Scott D, it does shoot very great!
thanks gmc!