Thanks NTD, I've been wanting to dress one up a little for awhile.
Thanks Scott, yeah it does hit hard. I flipped the tips up a little and its like a cam letting off after 24inches, just when it feels like it's going to stack it pulls on back nicely to 28 inches.
Thanks Dana, the length for this particular bow seem to work out just right but this was a really tension strong stave.
Thanks Keenan for the kind comment. I'd love to blame it all on my tillering skills but this piece of wood wanted to be a bow. I've made several bows from this same tree and none performed like this stave. I'd certainly like to understand it more. I think next time that I might mark the sides of the tree before I cut it down might help. Its a bit confusing, but darn this was one fun piece of wood to work with, very tension strong.
El Destructo:
Those are modified limb silencers . Same principle as adding fur to the string, but I took it a bit further to the limb. The thing is deadly silent on release.

Thanks for the nice comment on the bow and thanks for the ideas on the pin nocks the other day. All you need now is some horse hair and you are ready.