Hello all,
Briefly, I'm new to archery and bow building since October '09, when I attended a local Renfaire event. I'm interested in history and traditional technology, but I'm not big enough or bad enough or young enough to seriously entertain heavy combat demonstrations (ie. getting bashed on by bigger, badder, younger modern Vikings). Someone invited me to an archery practice, my wife took archery in college and enjoyed it, and said I might too. I was hooked, and got my first 30# fiberglass bow. It didn't take long to see that that wouldn't do forever, and what was needed was a good wood longbow. Which I couldn't afford, but surely I would have at least a 4% chance of being able to make one that wouldn't blow up on me too badly. My first bow was based more or less on the instructions on the poorfolksbows.com site, a red oak board bow with a handle, 72" long, approx. 45# @28", linen backed. Miraculously, it hasn't exploded or otherwise misbehaved, despite numerous imperfections.

My second is a maple board bow with handle, also linen backed, still in process.
My first question (of many, many yet to come) is, how much of a radius do I need on the back edges? Both of these bows are rounded over about 1/16th max, with no sign of trouble, but they're both still young.
Here's No. 2, so far;

I feel pretty good since neither of these have broken, but I get a big dose of humble when I see all the amazing work being done here!
I'll gladly take all the advice and help you care to give.
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