I am cetainly no expert, or claim to be. Here I am, shooting a 90#@32" yew self warbow. That's a 31.5" shaft, bye the way (that's measuring from the valley of the nock, to the base of the head). I can pull 110#, but this takes some serious patience... years of practice.
ryoon, you're truly fooling yourself, and I ecourage you to take caution before you seriously hurt yourself. Your technque is flawed, and before you do your young body some lasting harm, SLOW DOWN. This isn't about macho young men proving their toughness. Like most things that are difficult, it takes time and patience to master. The tendons in your hand, wrist and arm all need time to strengthen and develop. This happens over a period of years, not a few months.
Do you really think rudderbows cares if you hurt yourself?
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