Hello Eddie! I didnt knew you still were around - yes, its not english bow though. It was made by Peter Pauk (Cornus) from piece of black locust which had natural high reflex. He used steam to deflex the middle. Its actually quite triangular when you brace it, but as you draw basically only the outer part of the limbs moves, as usually with this design. It has very full R/D curve, it feels like drawing anchor from beginning. Unfortunatelly it was left with wide tips. It has other wise potential to shoot 20 meters more. I got it as a gift from fellow bowyer at the event.
I shall handplane the last 15 cm of tip down to something normall and then we see.
The yew bow - well, it might have gone due to more reasons than one, it was made out of this "funny" yew, which has strange relation between the stiffness and weight - very light and stiff wood, park grown. Paja commented that it felt very stiff when he drawn it (but he didnt mind and drew more, where it went). It was very well made otherwise, both what concerns tips and tiler and crossection. No follow either. 125#/32 1/2". But it was my understanding that yew bows stiffen when taken to the cold. (Speaking of which I dont remember if it was taken from temperate room, but it should have enough time to adapt anyway.)