Author Topic: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures  (Read 19294 times)

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Offline kayakfisher

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Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« on: November 08, 2009, 03:22:02 pm »
Being the last weekend of the first half of bow season here in Missouri, and with the temperatures in the fifty's at night and seventies during the day time. The Primitive kid ,myself ,the wife and  my daughter decided to spend the weekend in the woods thats quality family time Missouri style. Myself I had a great shot on a nice little buck of about forty yards, [anybody no how to cook tree]. The Primitive Kid and his bow Osage Rose had a nice shot on a six pointer and he also got into a flock of Turkeys. Evenmore he made his first kill on a fat cottontail we gave thanks to the great Creator and offered up a pinch of tobacco. We then roasted it over hardwood coals and it made a fine meal that night. He is ten foot tall and walking on clouds ,I have taught my kids ,do not kill unless it is to be used for food ,and the many other things that can be gleaned from wild game.Then we found this and it ruined our weakend , several Deer,amongst other animals  that had been killed and left to rot .One they  cut his head off, the rest, Skunks and other critters they killed and  dragged them into a fifteen yard circle and left  >:( I really get tired of hunting Conservation land, with low lifes that need to have open season on them , Next weekend it will be rifle season and ten times worse.

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« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 03:48:38 pm by kayakfisher »
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Offline El Destructo

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2009, 03:53:48 pm »
Sorry to hear that Your Weekend Hunt was Ruined this way.....Trophy Hunters are bad enough in My Book....but a Poaching Trophy Hunter is a Low Life Scum Sucker...and needs to be caught and turned in...before the Wrong Person Catches Them....and Strings Them Up........makes Me sick to see the Waste that goes on...just pathetic! When I am done with a Whitetail Carcass....even the Buzzards are pissed....there ain't anything left but Ribs and Backbone...all the Rest is I better quit before I say stuff that I will regret....... >:(
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Offline Ryano

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2009, 04:28:58 pm »
Well, I know of a spot on a local game lands (state hunting land) here in PA where the game commision dumps all the road kills they scrape off the hi-way in a big pile. So before you get to upset over things you might check with your local game officer.
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....

Offline kayakfisher

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2009, 04:38:09 pm »
Most Deer that is killed here on the highway ,and a conservation or highway patrol officer is called. There is a waiting list of peaple and families that are called to recieve the deer. I had a accident years ago and they took the deer that collided with my truck. I have been hunting out there for three years and conservation doesnt dump animals they go to an incenerater here.
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Offline El Destructo

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2009, 05:06:24 pm »
Looks to me from the Photo's that they tried to cover up the Deer carcass with Branches to hide it....don't look like a Roadkill Dump in that Picture at least...but like Ryan said....might be worth the Call....
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Offline Hickoryswitch

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2009, 10:30:20 pm »
Well it's said to see this crap happens everywhere. We have alot of it go on during rifle season. They leave them laying along the roads and in piles. I have seen a herd laying in a field with backstraps and antlers being the only thing gone. People have no respect for anything or anyone.
Wayne Silverthorn

Offline kayakfisher

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2009, 10:23:14 pm »
El Destructo , this is out at Compton Hollow on the back side on Conervation lane .I really doubt that it is a conservation dump site.
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Offline El Destructo

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2009, 10:25:15 pm »
El Destructo , this is out at Compton Hollow on the back side on Conervation lane .I really doubt that it is a conservation dump site.

Dennis.....I Didn't think it was....thats why I said that it didn't look like one to me........ looks like someone was covering up a Poaching Crime
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Offline kayakfisher

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2009, 11:00:29 pm »
Oh I know you said in my sons post Osage rose that you use to walk the trails out there . You would be one to know rght wear I was Talking about no offense intended or directed . I serousily doubt the conservation would ever dump carcasses out there to many tree huggers use the area I agree with you its poachers.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 11:07:49 pm by kayakfisher »
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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2009, 10:19:38 pm »
 Found a similar site about ten years ago down at Cedar Creek. Five deer scattered around a hillside all gun shot only one was a buck they took the horns. That was early in early bow season. I guess it doesn't have to be in season for poachers though. They caught those guys. And I never followed up on what the punishment was. Not enough I'm sure. It was a disgusting site, it just hurts to look at. As hard as we work at our passion and they drive out on four wheelers and spotlights and just slaughter them. Better days ahead,we hope-Ron

ps maybe that was some of the same bunch.

Offline Parnell

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2009, 03:09:13 pm »
I like to think karma will win in the end, it's the only peace I can find with this type of waste.  Generally, I think what goes around comes around.  Maybe they'll come back as a dung beatle.

Offline cracker

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2009, 04:01:19 pm »
My son and I were fishing under a bridge one day and a carcas came bailing over the rail with the head and hams cut off I made a quick call to the D.N.R. and they caught the jackass it was my wifes cousin there has been a fued over that ever since. ;D
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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2009, 04:15:31 pm »
I hate seeing stuff like this but it's everywhere.  It seems many people have forgotten the old ways and became monsters of the woods.  It is such a disgrace and disappointment that this is the direction that being an "outdoorsman" is taking.  Cause you know this is what they are teaching their kids.  It's really sad.   :-[
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Offline Tsalagi

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2009, 06:57:28 pm »
We have big problems with elk poachers here in Northern Arizona. It doesn't help that people come here and set up with signs that say "I buy elk antlers---cash paid". Why? Well, evidently elk antler is a big thing in Asian folk medicine. Hey, whatever floats your boat, but do it legally! It's disgusting to see hundreds of pounds of prime meat and broth bones go to waste so some jerk can take the antlers and make a few bucks. They caught one ring of elk poachers here last year. A ring of them!!! All after antlers. And the whole ring was set up with fences to transfer the stuff---just like a ring of thieves. Of course, that's what they are.

Then we had some clowns a few years back that shot and killed some burros. Why? Why do people get kicks out of killing like that? Kinda scares you.

And even when people go into the woods looking for naturally-shed elk antlers, these guys physically fight over those! Geez, people, come on!

Every year, elk carcasses are found here with just the antlers gone. It's illegal in this state to knowingly let any edible portion of a game animal go to waste. But so much emphasis is placed here on "THE RACK" that the meat isn't job one. Lots of it goes bad. I've seen elk camps where there was several meals worth of meat left behind. It looked like the butchering was done by a bush hog. Rope left up in the tree with legs attached. Yeah, gotta get the head to the taxidermist ASAP! The meat can wait. Geez, get a life... ::)
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Offline hawkbow

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Re: Brothers of the Bow/Disturbing pictures
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2009, 07:19:11 pm »
Sounds like you are hunting with honor and integrity .. good on you brother.. There is no excuse for head hunters and poachers who kill for nothing more than antlers, they are killers not hunters.Nothing new, buffalo hunters did it for years until the herds were nearly wiped out for the hides. Rest assured that your honorable teachings and ethical  hunting practices will ensure a future for our sport, and nature will eventually catch up with the evil doers. Hawk a/ho

Mike "Hawk" Huston