Alright, been building glass and carbon bows for about 4 years now and have come close to getting into au naturale bows several times... but this time I'm Serious!!!

Are most of you gluing D/R into your blanks by just clamping the mid limbs over a 2X4 or do you have "proper forms" like I use with a glass bow...or what? I'd sure like to see some pics of your wood clamped down in glue up!
Also, I am going to start work on BBI real soon and probably some BBO too...but what other woods are appropriate to back with boo?
What are some of the most common, reliable sources of boo? Is there something I need to steer away from? I am looking at Franks and Master Garden... do you commonly get good boo from them? Is their 2" boo cut from larget diamter boo plants than their 1 1/2" boo??
Is there any reason I shouldn't use smoothon for my glue ups??
Thanks very much, I am really looking forward to getting started on this. I build 3 Piece glass/carbon bows now and am looking forward to building a 3 piece BBO/BBI... anyone done this yet???