Author Topic: Miwok bow #5. testing the limits of primitive design, incense cedar and sinew  (Read 23675 times)

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Offline loefflerchuck

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If this posts this time I will write about the bow.

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Offline Parnell

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Nicely done.  Those shorties always get me riled up.  Post some more 'natural' pictures, heh?

Offline loefflerchuck

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  Being a big fan of history and archery, I like to recreate the archery tackle of the indigenous people who once lived where I reside. Spending half my time in the bay area. The Sierra Miwok bow acquired by trade was the bow used by the Costanoan in this area. The bow was a popular trade item and in use throughout central California. The bows were made from California nutmeg and Incense cedar.
  The first few Miwok bows I replicated were made from the Incense cedar trunk. Historical writings say the limbs were preferred. Eventually I figured out how to find the ideal limb for a bow. No twist with a upward curve. The top half of the limb with a natural reflex becomes the bow.
  The limb that made this bow was far from ideal. It had a double propeller twist, but this stave seemed special. After working it down I noticed the opposite twist aligned the string perfectly center at the handle. I apply ed a thick backing of sinew in 2 stages. More than a third of the total thickness. The result is a amazing snappy bow.
  The bow is 38.5" and pulls 46# at 25". Even over drawn this far, within a hour or 2 of being unstrung it returns to a reflexed shape. Like the original the knocks are of molded sinew extending past the wood to form a hook (so the string doesn't slip off). The string is 3 ply elk sinew with otter fir wrapping to deaden the twang.

Offline Parnell

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Far'z I can figure the greatest things posted are those that are primitive, but have some true challenge.  I'd say you ran that one down.  If it were mine I'd smile twice it at! ;D

Offline medicinewheel

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That looks really cool! WHAT A BEND!!! are so small...
Frank from Germany...

Offline loefflerchuck

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see if I can upsize the pictures

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Offline Dano

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That is a dandy of a short bow, nice work.
"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."


Offline medicinewheel

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Again: That is a fantastic little recurve!!!
Frank from Germany...

Offline OldBow

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This is truly a primitive bow which is what Primitive Archer is all about. Great entry for October Self BOM fun. (any chance of upsizing the full draw pic?)
When you're retired, every day is Saturday

Offline loefflerchuck

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  I'm off to work in a few, When I get back I'll work on getting a better picture. I used photobucket, and it came out that size


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Beautiful shortbow man!!! nice curves and the full draw is absolutley amazing...made my day already... I have a hickory shortbow i recently made it still is a bit heavy in the draw weight mine is more a flat bow and was gonna think about turning it into a crossbow just for fun na...maybe not!!  Again real nice bow and try to set ur phone or ur digital camera settings to higher pixels resolution itl tell u u look like u have it set for a compressed file or email...


Offline billy

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Great job...looks just like the few originals that I've seen.  I never expected it to take that massive of a draw though!!  Wow!  Great job on those sinew/glue hook nocks.  Definitely a unique type of bow tip.
Marietta, Georgia

Offline Blacktail

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HEY LOE,first that is a great looking na bow...i have been told many of times that incense cedar wont make a bow..and holy cow you did it and a shorty to boot... so,is it all heart wood or is there some sap wood on it..if you have both what is the ratio of the two that you,that is great...good work..john

Offline loefflerchuck

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 John. It has all the sapwood left on it. The back is just peeled of the bark and underbark. In a limb the sap layer is thin, but there is not much color difference and so is hard to distinguish.
  I have to stress. The limbs are far superior to the trunk. The trunk is strait and will supply unlimited staves, but it is the limbs that make the bow. I have a few similar bows made of the trunk and they can not compete with the limb bows. The challenge is finding the right limb. It takes some tree climbing skills. I have a few more in the making. all the branches have a upward bend. the top half becomes the bow. I have some wonderful snaked staves with lots of natural reflex in the making.
  I seasoned them by painting the ends and removing all the bark/underbark. It just peels off.
 I'll have better pictures posted tomorrow

Offline loefflerchuck

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bigger Picture

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