Finished a new hunting bow up. I did this bow as a build along for an ArcheryTalk thread, went from tree to shooting selfbow in a month and a half. I decided to try an experiment, being that it was such a good bow already, and sinew back it to help hold weight.
The backing is pretty thick, but on the inside of the limbs (stops 4" or so short of the tips). I did a patch on some chrysals/hinging on the bottom limb, worked out well. The tips are a little extra light- kept from being too limber by heated in reflex. This is my first attempt at snakeskins- needless to say I'm a huge fan now

. Limbs are a little narrow for the weight, but I only intend to use this bow for hunting, and not abuse it with extra practice.
Hickory,71" long, about 82# at 29", only one inch of string follow just after shooting- about 2-3" of set. Sinew from Phillip King and Cody Roiter, snake skins were a gift from my parents. Leather came from my brother. Shoots wonderfully, very smooth and accurate- and despite the sinew on the long limbs, almost no handshock. Added some silencers. Ugly little things, but they make the bow dead silent. I really like this bow, and think it'll be a great hunting weapon

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