recently i showed interest in some rock that someone had for trade,but as i am from mn and we dont have much of any thing worth knapping.
i didnt have anything to trade him.
well we communicated via pm's and being the nice guy that he is he sent me some stuff.
now i know most around here have access to rock and probably wouldnt get as excited as i do when i can get my hands on some rock.
now i have only been knapping since january this year,taught my self how to pressure flake and work slabs to start with.
went to my first knapp in back in february,my second in august i bought some rock and proceeded to destroy a fair amount teaching myself how to spall
dont know if can really do that as of yet,but i do manage a nice one here and there.
then i started to teach my self how to percussion knapp.WOW did i go thru what little rock stash that i had.
so when i came home from work today and seen this flat rate box on my back step,well i felt like it was my b-day or something and its not.
well i tore into it and man oh man i thought cooool look at all this rock i can play with now.
then i proceeded to empty and inspect. i found lots of rock pieces,some busted bifaces etc.i will do my best to make as many points and blades as possible with this stuff.
dont ask me what kind of rock it is as i do not know.i just know it all looks i was digging it all out i found a couple of points in there too.
i was these are the first points i have that were not made by my hands and these will go and stay in my collection.
well he did ask that i keep on knapping and post pics of points that i make from it.
so as soon as i got it all organized,i grabbed a piece and started whacking away.
this is the piece i started with.
and after and hours worth of whacking away at it this is what i came up with.
it was done with percussion,and pressure flaking just for the edge and to remove a couple of stacked hinges
i couldnt get it thinner in the middle as there is afair amount of concret there and i had a hell of a time trying to get rid of hinge in
the concrete earlier and didnt want to risk destroying the piece all together.
took it to friends house to show him the point along with my new car,left the point there by accident.i hope hes willing to give it back.
well i just thought i would share with ya all
and would like to say thanks to leapingbear (jesse),without your generosity i would nt be knapping right now
thanks for looking peace,