Very nice, what is the nock material? Cow horn? Makes a nice change from the usual WB horn, which always makes me wonder where they got the WB in medieval England 
Looks like it could come back even further, or to put it another way it looks rather long (more of an enquiry about length than a criticism) V nice finish.
*5 is a nice respectable weight...that must chuck and arrow well over 220?
Cheers Del, yeah the nocks are Charolais cow horn from Highland Horn. It's nice stuff, but really does stink. I'm not drawing the full 32" (more like 30-31) in that pic as I'm not really on top of this bow yet, it is pretty long at 79". I made it this long so I can shorten it at a later date to up the draw weight once I've mastered this weight.
Looks awesome. I've been wanting to make a bow like that for a while now, kind of forgot about it but you have me wanting to make one again!
Very nicely done, sir!! My kinda bow. 
Thanks guys
That is one really long bow.
It looks great. I have to admit that watching you climb inside of it to draw it like that reminds me of Wiley Coyote shooting himself out of a bow. 
Cheers, yep I can see the resemblance!

I too like the pics. Justin's description made me chuckle, and I think your very fine longbow will make you a bit stronger as well.
Thanks Rich, yeah it's definitely a strength builder, it'll be a while before I've mastered this weight!
That is one seriously good ELB - well done! The extra length gives a margin of safety and has probably helped you keep the set down but its mighty fine work by anyone's standards. I find that you can take the tips of an ipe ELB down very thin which increases speed and reduces the potential for handshock.
How far does she shoot? My 70lbs@29" ipe/boo ELB will shoot a flight arrow over 250yds, so you should be getting close to 300 with this one.
Thanks for showing us your work I've realy enjoyed seeing it
Thanks Stan, I reckon I could perhaps have brought the tips down a little slimmer than they are, though I always err on the side of caution with that. Perhaps I'll narrow them at a later date. I haven't yet made and matching arrows for this bow, so can't get a real idea of the distance, + the fact after a few shots my draw-length creeps down with this weight. However once I've got some matched arrows made for it and can draw it comfortably I reckon with a flight-arrow 260 is do-able. I'll be making up some standard arrows to shoot from it as well, it'll be interesting to see what I can get with those.