Author Topic: i here so much about these oasage killing deer ,but were are all the big bucks a  (Read 10857 times)

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i would hape to see a least one bib BUCK  on this with some horns?????????????????????????????????/


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Allright lungbuster-

Big bucks are cool, but any deer w/ a self bow is a pretty major  achievement. If it's brown, it's down!

One refreshing thing about this style of hunting, and this very talented group of hunters and craftsmen, is that we make the tackle and hunt 'em up close. It's the complete opposite of he horn-porn/RealTree/Chuck Adams achiever racket.

Pappy is endorsed, by MACLURA POMIFERA!

Check out the Hunting Pics 2009 (child boards). Pappy has gotten the roll call started. I plan to add my name and pics if I can-and if it's a 2" spike I am taking the shot!


Offline GregB

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I'm with you Pete...we're out there trying for a deer, came close over the weekend but just couldn't make it happen.

A rich person can be poor monetarily, the best things in life are free...

Offline Pappy

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  • if you have to ask you wouldn't understand ,Tenn.
Well said Pete,If you want horns then so be it ,me,I like to eat  :) If they have big horns that is
just icing on the cake for me. Look back in last year if you want to see big horns,RayO took a nice one last year. :)
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Offline Marc St Louis

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Horns are nice but they are hard to eat.  Personally I am more interested in eating what I shoot than looking at it and you can't beat the younger Deer for that
Home of heat-treating, Corbeil, On.  Canada

Offline Hillbilly

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Some of us are hunters for the pure experience of it and to put meat on the table the way it's supposed to be put there. That's why we hunt with the stuff we do-it's distilling hunting down to it's purest form and kind of a rebellion against the commercial gadget-driven hunting show version of "horn-porn" deer hunting. Others get their ideas and goals about hunting from watching TV shows, and never see the deer under the antlers. I could care less any more about hunting horns, but some people enjoy it. There have been some big deer put down with primitive bows, many of us could just care less about trophy hunting, we just like to hunt and will gladly take big buck, little buck, or nice fat doe, whatever. I like to deer hunt. Ryano killed a hoss last year with his selfbow, for one I can think of. There are pics of it on the board, it was a sure 'nuff nice big buck. I'm not likely to kill many big bucks any more, because those little tender tasty ones keep walking out first, and I'm a man who likes backstraps. :)
« Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 09:27:18 am by Hillbilly »
Smoky Mountains, NC

Progress might have been all right once but it's gone on for far too long.

Offline recurve shooter

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yup. i boiled them horns all day last year. still to tough to eat.  ;D
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 09:23:42 am by recurve shooter »
lets just shoot it

Offline nocams

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Don't want to jinx the boy but, Mason and I have been in a tree twice and almost had it happen in the first 20 minutes ! He is hunting with his first osage that Pappy, Anthony, and Greg helped him build and I put him in the tree he killed two out of last year with a gun. First evening we were hunting a South wind , which should have been good, but deer often do not read the script ! We heard deer blowing as we jacked up our trees yet twenty minutes later a good 8 point with a sticker that made him a 9 came strolling by from dead downwind. I think after we got up the tree he lost our scent and thought we were gone ? Mason and I are 30yds apart and he came right under me and I had no shot straight down. About the time he was walking toward Mason and I had a shot he broke into a trot and ran right too Mason 7-8yd shot. Before Mason could swing around the tree and draw the buck trotted another 30yds and started feeding, RATS !!!

We hunted day before yesterday in the morning, same tree and a SW wind, still a good wind for the hollow. Again, the deer did not read the script and she came from directly downwind. Got by me, no shot, did not wind me. About the time Mason got his hat turned around and fingers on the string, she only needed 3 more steps for a clear shot, she got a nose full of the boy !!! Did I mention it is THICK in here where we are hunting, limited shots for sure but lots of deer. She ran back the way she came and we heard her blowing again around 10AM and called it a day. If the deer in this hollow keep coming from the North then we will have to hunt in on a North or West wind only. I am confident Mason will make meat, and maybe horns too with this bow soon. Cannot believe how well it shoots, quiet, smooth and fast. Got his woodies almost finished for it now, had a slight cresting mishap with cresting paint and water based poly. Good luck to all the osage hunters !


Offline recurve shooter

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i been once and didnt see anything. not many deer down here. so i just spent the rest of the day with the shotgun for rabits and skwirls.  ;D
lets just shoot it

Offline Hillbilly

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Smoky Mountains, NC

Progress might have been all right once but it's gone on for far too long.

Offline recurve shooter

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horny bucks..... ::)
lets just shoot it

Offline Eric Krewson

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I have killed a lot of bucks with my selfbows, most were 1 1/2" year olds.  Every now and then a big one will mess up and give me shot.  I got this one a few years ago, off the ground, with my osage bow.


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Maybe   poor lungbuster is From Penna. where you are not allowed to shot an "eating deer "   only a "TROPHY"  deer  so your self- esteem will be   Ok   when you go to bed at night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Antler restriction  is in place so everyone can  "Feel good " about  the deer you get     Your belly might be empty but   IF you see a big enough deer  then your pride can be salved.

Offline Pappy

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  • if you have to ask you wouldn't understand ,Tenn.
Here is another nice one, friend of mine killed in MI.

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Offline woodstick

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i like horns when they are played in a band. i like meat of just bout any kind. i will take a big buck or doe or spike iam just happy to hit one.
a drawn bow is a stick 9/10 broken