Author Topic: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?  (Read 24447 times)

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Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« on: September 16, 2009, 04:55:52 pm »
Hey guys,

I've been wondering, because I've heard from different people that they are legal and they aren't. Are bodkins legal in the UK? And if not legal to shoot, is owning them ok? Since I've been planning on making a nice display arrow for my wall. Any help appreciated,


Offline Cromm

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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2009, 06:14:44 pm »
Hi Harudath,
I make, own, and have given away lots of bodkins and I live in the UK. There is no worries about having them. I know some NFAS clubs don't like you using the sharpe edged ones on the nice 3D's at a shoot, but I have lots of arrows that I use them on and have so for years..
I hope that helps???
Great Britain.
Home of the Longbowman.


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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2009, 06:16:29 pm »
It does help, very much :) I know that broadheads are illegal, but does that mean if the bodkin is just a point, and not a blade, it can be used?

Offline Loki

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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2009, 06:21:33 pm »
Who told you Broadheads were illegal? Are you talking about the hunting Broadheads the Americans use? As i'm sure you know BowHunting is illegal here so there's not much call for those but Historical Broadheads are available,i own lots.

Here's a selection from Hector Coles site.


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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2009, 06:55:58 pm »
Neither bodkins or broadheads are illegal, although hunting with a bow is against the law.  The Netley Police open day fall over backwards to have warbows shot with all the different arrow heads in full view of the public and last year I certianly never got arrested showing my arrows, bodkins, broadheads and all, to a chief inspector at an entirely different meet.

It is illeagal to carry a stringed bow in a public space, ie the high street. It is not illegal to carry an unstringed bow in a public space, or the arrows, as long as you have reaonable grounds for doing so, ie you are your way to a shoot.  At least that is what I've been told by several Police officers.


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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2009, 07:10:32 pm »
Yeah, thats what I gathered too (I read through several firearms and offensive weapons acts xD Well, the relevant bits anyway :P) is the kind of arrowhead I meant specifically, or tips to that effect.

I was carrying my bow around today at college (a teacher who is also a horse archer) asked to see it, so I thought why not :p technically you could have both without any reason other than to appreciate the culture from which the items originate (as far as I can tell through reading).

Thanks everyone.. I might be giving bodkins a go at the club one day ;)

I'll be making my own longbows soon too, or at least, trying for the first time since I was 10  ;D

Offline kiwijim

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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2009, 04:34:13 am »
My friend "Taffy" claims that it is still legal to kill a welshman if he is in the city (London) and armed with a bow.
Do any of you guys know about this?

Offline Jaro

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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2009, 04:41:44 am »
It is not, these laws have been suspended in 1960´ .......

Offline kiwijim

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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2009, 06:47:47 am »
whoops.... ;D

Offline Jaro

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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2009, 08:32:24 am »
 ;D ;D >:D

Offline Loki

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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2009, 10:33:15 am »
Pretty sure that Law was regarding Scotsmen in York  ;D Welshmen were Archer's in Englands Army's it wouldnt of been uncommon to see them in London with Bows,especially before campaigns to France.
Chester had a Law that you could kill Welshmen within the City limits if they were armed and it was after Dark  ;D ,Both York and Chester were the main City's of the Border lands.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2009, 10:42:57 am by Loki »

Offline adb

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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2009, 12:18:26 pm »
I'm just wondering what the rationale behind no bowhunting in the UK is? Seems incomprehensible to me.

Offline zeNBowyer

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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2009, 12:39:30 pm »
No  offense  to  our English  bretheren,  but  England's  laws  should be  a wake  up  call for  Americans, our  government  is steadily  destroying  our  gun  rights,  be  assured  our  hunting  rights  and archery  rights  are  also  included  on  that  list, fight  now  or  forever  be  lost

[attachment deleted by admin]
"There's  something  immoral  about  abandoning  your  own  judgement"
Cowards always run in  packs
Ishi did not become the arrow, I suspect. The arrow became Ishi.


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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2009, 01:04:30 pm »
From what I gather, bowhunting was banned because it is an inhumane way to kill an animal (to be honest). There were many problems with people shooting an animal, it ran then off with an arrow in it and they couldn't find it to finish it off so they left it wounded to die slowly, or when they did catch up to it they weren't able to bring themselves to kill the animal, and so left it. Another issue being poaching; the bow and arrow is silent compared to gunshot, people could easily sneak around and hunt without being detected.

Though, I still think it should be allowed. Instead of removing the whole activity, it should be properly organised and administrated; training, tests and licences should be required in order to bow hunt, and, if you ask me; if you're good enough to hit the damn thing, you've got every right to hunt it. The bow and arrow, if anything, is the weapon that brought this country to glory and where it is now, its part of our heritage... How can we ban it, we of all people when most of europe may still hunt with a bow  ??? It makes my blood boil  >:(

...even the French can bow hunt! *Cough* Crécy *cough* Agincourt *Cough*  :P

Offline zeNBowyer

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Re: Bodkins; illegal in the UK?
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2009, 01:32:06 pm »

                                                                "...Even the French can bow hunt!"

Oh  the  pain! It's  almost  like  turning  over  the  Channel  Islands!
"There's  something  immoral  about  abandoning  your  own  judgement"
Cowards always run in  packs
Ishi did not become the arrow, I suspect. The arrow became Ishi.