Author Topic: Black Locust Pallet Wood.  (Read 2050 times)

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Black Locust Pallet Wood.
« on: June 04, 2009, 07:02:31 pm »
At the factory where I am working, all the pallets and racks are made of BL.  One rack has an eight foot long 2X4 that is almost perfectly straight grained for about half it's width.  Hard to believe it is BL. 
Anyway, after lusting after all of the BL 2x's in racks all over the plant, and taking strong look at a couple of pallets, I finally asked the boss where he gets his pallets from.  He snickered and told me to follow him.  The pallet in the back of my truck has two over 8 foot long 3 x 5 rails of of a wood that looks to be BL


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Re: Black Locust Pallet Wood.
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2009, 09:06:47 pm »
Believe it, friend, I used to work at a pallet mill, and we sawed up every kinda tree that was big enough to bother haulling in. I had a dozen of those 3x5's myself in Black Locust. Good luck!!!