It's been a while since I last posted. Last known as "bowstick" or "buildabow"... now as "armybowyer". I received my active duty status in July last summer. I was on my last year of IRR status. Not knowing where or what I might be doing, I did the best thing in the interest of my Wife and children. Immediately I began preperations for this deployment. A descision had to be made about the business. Some may wonder if I still own or have anything to do with Bowstick Archery. Answer: No. I sold the business outright back in August... with the sale came the website, the customer database, the contracts, the stock and inventory, phone numbers and all open accounts, all the tools and lumber... everything. That chapter of my life closed the day I left for Iraq. Of course though... when you got the bug there's no shakin' it! No matter where I go or what I'm doing, I've got bows on the brain!
I have been here in Iraq scoping out the local trees... not to many, just Palm and I think Eucalyptus (SP?) and a few others. Of course I had some hickory sent over and have made a few self bows from it... but I needed more. I wanted to make a bow from local material. I have yet to score a palm tree (but hope to soon), but I did go out on a night mission to secure myself some of this "E" for short

In the dark of the night I walked along the barrier walls, just on the other side is the city of Baghdad. My friend let me use his NVG's as to not alert anyone with a flashlight. Bow saw in hand, determination at heart I found some great staves. Quietly cutting the perfect specimen my heart was kinda racing. I dropped big branches from the tree that night and huffed them back to the "shack" i work from. The first thing I did was scrape the bark. Decided which way to split it then did so with a hatchet and wedge. Sealed the ends with marking paint, tied them together and let them dry... didnt take to long and i was able to start shaping and flexing. Before you knew it I had the thing to brace height... then further. I was nervous because I didnt know the species of wood and weather it would hold.. but I drove on. Then finally, full draw, I tillered it to 28". No scale in hand but using my best judgment, I'd say 46#

My draw lenght is only 26 1/2" To my surprise this wood takes no string follow! Anyway... i'm not finished yet, still need to do the detail work (handle, signature etc)... but I couldnt wait to share the progress. Here are the pics of what I have so far. Enjoy! I will post another thread for the other selfbow in progress as well. until next time, Justin Steinmetz
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