Goodness, whats the world coming too. I have looked all around the Baltimore Area for 100% silk or silk thread. Can't find it. All I find is silk look alikes, or just plain ole souless polyester. But I found one store that has 100% linen. Its 15 dollars a yard.

I need to back an IPE/Boo bow i have where splinters are starting to raise right at the nodes. I sanded the nodes too much and think the trapping was a bad idea as splinters are starting to raise on the edges. I was going to wrap em with sinew, but figured back the whole thing with silk and take it over the sides too to protect the trapped sides. Then put some snake skins over it, if it stays together.
I am sure there is more too it than just 100% linen for bow backing. Do you think this is as good as silk? My wife said she has some nighty clothing made of silk, but I would rather her use that in other ways than my bow.
Lastly, I really don't want to buy 2 yards of linen to back this bow. Can I just buy say 1/2 yard, and overlay the linen at the handle in 36" strips? Or should it be the full 67" long?
Thanks for any advise.