Well thanks everyone,
venisonburger: I worked on the flat spot in between the two hinges you mentioned and it is not AS noticable anymore but I don't want to lose any more #'s in draw weight. They don't seem to be getting any worse yet so that's a plus.
Timo: The pants are my Auburn sleep pants, LOL I was about to go to bed and I thought, " I really need a full draw pic" so I just kinda stumbled back to my living room with my camera phone and put it on auto timer and snapped the shot. Didn't realize till i was posting the pic I was in my pj's.

Ryano: Thanks for the info on heat tempering the belly. I bought a heat gun from Harbor Freight that I am gonna use for that. How long do i need to wait for the moisture content to re-balance before I brace it and shoot it again? I heard if you do it too soon, you can snap a limb off because it lowers the moisture content so much?
Pappy: Yep can't wait for the Classic, looking forward to meeting everyone and really learning how to make bows.
Jawge: thanks for the compliment! Really love your site, taught me alot.