I was doing a little spring-cleaning on my computer and I was looking over all my bow making photos. I made this bow I'll show you here in March and I thought you might like it. It's made of cornus alba (I guess), which I think is also called dogwood. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I made it from a sapling with about 2" in diameter. It had 4" of reflex after drying. I tried to steam and heat bend to reduce the reflex, but it didn't quite work out, so it had 3" of reflex when I started.
The bow measures 76" from nock to nock. The handle is 19/16" wide and 1" thick. The tip diameter is 1/2". The draw weight is 67# at 32".
This is a picture of the roughed out stave for drying (click on the thumb to enlarge).

When I was done, the reflex was gone.

I steamed and bent one of the tips a little sideways to get the string centered.

Usually I make my bows bend less in the inner parts, but this was the first time I used this wood and I wasn't quite sure how much it can take. It has some small knots on the back and one part I didn't quite know what to make of, see the pictures below. I thought the outer limbs already had some stretch in them because the went from reflexed to straight, so I left it bending less there at full draw.
