Tim, you are definitely doing better!
You have the Flakes going across now, and that is a big plus in thinning them down. It sures seems like you have made a big stride in improvement.
I used to use the first bucket of stuff that Mullet gave me, for practice, and I actually got a decent point out of a piece of Chert, that had a lot of inclusions in it. It was good practice, and yep, I made a nice pile of road bed with the stuff. Still have a little left, but it is great stuff to practice on, and I really did learn a lot from it. Then Eddie gave me another bucket of nicer stone, and some of it I am afraid to touch just yet. But I seriously doubt there is anyone out there who decided to take up Knapping, and just picked up a piece of stone, and knapped a very nice point on their first try. It all starts with busting rock. I am still busting rock. I have improved a lot since I first started, but I still have a long way to go till I can make it look easy like these guys on here, and like Claude Van Order. Just guessing, I would think the white one is Noviculite. I have some Keokuk, and it is not as glossy as that. You have definitely improved. A lot faster than me!
And no it doesn't have to be a needle like point. Fred Bear used a Chisel type blade on one of point styles, and it penetrated just fine, and in the Museum, in Fla. near Gainesville, he has a piece of bone with one of the points buried deep in it. Where as a pointed one might have curled up.
Keep the pictures coming. It is difficult to walk by the stone without at least picking it up and looking it over, and maybe just a small flake, and then walk away......uh huh, sure......
Yep, you are addicted......
Tim is a Flake Head, Tim is a Flake Head, Nanny, Nah, Nah......