Ok, I will play along... I would like a pic of the belly in the area of the erratic bend....if possible??? I would suggest steam, and lots of it. I would deflex the reflexed limb, and very carefully try to steam as much of the "kink" out as possible. By this I mean....reflex or deflex the area as needed to obtain a straight limb as viewed from the side. Leave a accessive amount of wood in the area of the "kink" till you get the bow bending on both sides of the bend ("kink") ...this will be a guessing game, especially when it comes to a final wanted draw weight. Most important will be a need for a backing....(unless your feeling lucky) You could burnish the heck out of the limbs , but in my expirience once you alter the natural makeup of Cascara it becomes a weak spot. Your biggest problem is where the "kink"is..... not impossible, but you will work for it! 
Pics from my camera phone a pretty pathetic.. see what these pics tell ya.
So Cascara needs backed? I might try for the 'feeling lucky' approach, this has a very abnormal under-bark grain that I don't want to lose, if possible. You'll see it in the last picture.
Steam... oh good, another first. This is a pretty dry stave, being midlimb and since its still pretty thick (3/4") at those spots, maybe it'll be fine in terms of checking.
Not sure these pics are what you were looking for (what are you looking for?), but let me know.
Thanks Brian,
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