Thank you for the compliment Tim. I’ve been admiring a lot of your work lately.
Thank you for the nice words Pat.
Thank you Bob. That is quite a compliment coming from a connoisseur of fine bows as yourself.
Thank you Traxx. I still have to maintain my ability to shoot higher poundage bows for hunting elk, but for just having fun it’s hard to beat a light 50 lbs D-bow.
Troutbum, absolutely stick with it. I messed up a lot of bows in the beginning, but once you get the hang of a few key principles building bows from sticks is fairly straight-forward. If I can do it, so can you.
Thank you John. Keenan is a skillful bowyer and could easily find the flaws in my work – but he is too polite to ever do that.

Thank you Frank. I’m pleased that you like the tiller.
Thank you acker. I removed every bit of excess mass I could from the limbs so it seems to shoot fairly fast for a 50# bow.
Thank you bd. It’s not that difficult to get the wraps tight – it just takes a bit of practice.
Thank you David. I never really noticed the string contrast until you pointed it out. That does look kind of neat.
Thank you for the compliment Ryan. How is that vine maple bow coming along?
Thank you Dano. I am quite happy with how the profile turned out.
Thank you Don - that's funny.