well i know those of yu whom have read my other most recent thred have been asking for pics of the logs.
and for the rest of you i will fill you in on the story now.
on a differant website,one dedicated to local trad bow hunters here in mn i met a guy, via pm's,that was cutting down some
iron wood (hhb) on his land.
he said he would be willing ti give me a few staves.we messaged back and forth for awhile and the other day he sent me another pm.
in th most recent message he said that he dropped them of at another guys house,this other guy lived about one hour and fifteen minutes north of me.
this was fine as the guy doing the cutting lived pretty near 2 hrs away.
well me and this other guy,Chad is his name,got in touch and arranged for me to pick these staves up last night.so the wife and i drive up to Brainerd after work.
we get there after dark,i knock on the door,he answers and we introuduc our selves.
we get to tlaking and he shows me what the other gut dropped of for me.

my eyes popped out of their sockets

i couldnt belive it, 5 thats right 5 logs, complete logs,not just staves but logs. 8 ft long each and everyone of them,8 ft long.
2 were smaller,but about average for the ironwood that i have seen.the other three,man they were about the largest hhb logs ever.
i never knew that it would grow that large.the smaller ones showed some twist by the bark,and sure enough when i split thme two taoday,they were twisted.
but being 8 ft long,i think i can manage to get usable staves from them. and what the heck i do own a heat gun.
the other three logs are much straighter,showing very little twist in the bark.hopefully the will spit straighter than the others.
now the largest two had some moss on the bark,so i took my draw knife after that today and it doesnt look like it had gone thru the bark into the wood at all.
these last three wil lneed to wait untill i can get a little help splitting,this stuff is tuff

well thats about enough of my rambling on,heres the pics

in this pic,the ones i spli today ore on the right

in this pic the ones i split are on the lft,if you look you can see the bark shows twist

thanks for looking