welcome aboard... this is the right place to be... as for the questions you have im sure some of the experts will help out alot... how are you tillering the bows that have messed up on you??? do you have a tiller stand or tiller tree???
there is a sight from a guy here taht is named Gorge Tsoukalas... i think he has a lot of info on making board bows on his sight... look around at some of the other post and find his link...
if you go out and get another board and start it up... take pictures of what you got and post them up and ask for he next procedure... you will get several replies with excellant advice and then do that much and re-post pics and then ask what next and then do that... these guys on here will for sure walk you along and it might take you all of about a week to get it all the way done... takeing baby steps but then you will have one done and would have learned how from some of today's best bowers in the world... after that it should be a sinch but even some of the best bowers on here will ocasionaly have a bow blow... sooo dont beat your self up if one goes bad... it happens... just learn form it and move on to the next one...
as for rings... somebody will chim in and show you some pics of what to lok for...
el -dustructo posted a reply one time with nice pics on what to look for in the rings or grain of wood for a board bow... that post really gave me a better understanding of what to look for... maybe he will post up some pics again...
wish i remembered what post it was on or id copy the link on here to give you a heads up....
anyways good luck and glad to have you here...

stay motovated... once you get one done you will feel soo grate and all the rest will come easy..
at least thats what i hear...