Author Topic: TB II vs TB III ???  (Read 10209 times)

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TB II vs TB III ???
« on: January 21, 2009, 11:13:49 pm »
ok guro's,

   i need some knowledge on some glue...   im about to glue on a handle riser sooo i can start this pecan board bow... the risere is also pecan and i have a thin strip of same pecan for a backing but not sur if i'm going to do the backing. yet...

    but the only wood glue i have on hand is Gorila Wood Glue i bought it a while back when i didnt know any better...   but i have noticed the tight bond glues and i was going to go ahead and pick up a meduim size bottle and i noticed the TB III   is almost double the price of the TB II...   ehy is this???????????    i was there at lowes looking at the two differant bottles of glue and then i noticed the price and then i did a membrain scan of my memorie and i started pulling up all these differant post of every body that has posted on here and all have used both TB II and some Have used TB III   but i did notice that most that i remember in my quick membrian memory scane is that the TB II   is probably the most popular on here...   but then some of the well respected boywers on here have also used the TB III   so here i am at lowes undecied whitch to buy so then i put em both back and decided i will aks the pro's and see what the real differance is and why double the price....   from what i could gather at reading the lables TB III says is the ultimate or something and its water proof and it looks to be a little darker in color and loks to be a bit thicker in texture...

soo what is the real differance???  and is it worth the double price.. and if soo then why is TB II still the most popular amongst the post's that get posted here???

just curoiuse,  but would really like to knwo befor i buy...   its really not that much money but i would really like to know anyway...  becuae i did spend some mony on the gorilla glue and now it wont be used since i decided that i should use what i know is proven and  TB II or III is the right way to go... just which one and why???   is still my blurred vision!  lol...

thanks in advance... ;)

Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2009, 11:35:06 pm »
Gorilla wood glue will work great and is very water resistant.  Use it....  Justin
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Offline JustAim

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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2009, 12:15:12 am »
l use tb3 on all my bows and have never had a problem. l'm not sure why it costs more than tb2 but tb3 is water proof and tb2 is that might be why.  Just buy a bottle and l'm sure you'll like it, just make sure you make grooves in the areas you intend to glue before you glue it up and let it dry for at least 48 hours. l know the directions say 24 hours but dont go by that.  :)


Offline sailordad

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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2009, 12:43:16 am »
just make sure you make grooves in the areas you intend to glue before you glue it up


i thought tite bond glues needed a smooth surface to adhere properly,thats how i use it never had a problem
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Offline Jesse

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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2009, 01:03:17 am »
Sailordad is right. Dont put grooves in with tb. it needs a smooth surface to perform its best. Epoxy works better with a grooved surface.
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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2009, 01:09:48 am »
I started out using tbII because of the price. Then I moved up to tbIII because it is waterproof. Both proved to be good glues for the purpose at hand. Someday when I have the extra money, and get of my lazy backside I'll probably order a can of Urac. I haven't heard any complaints about Urac, or TBIII, a couple about TBII, but they came by the train full for Smooth On. The TB glues are inexpensive, and for the amount of bows I make in a year, plus the cost factor. It suits me just fine for now. It can't hurt to try a few different things to see what you like. Clean up sure is easier with the TB glues.


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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2009, 03:04:19 am »
  TBII is water resistant. The main difference between the two is that TBII has less open work time than TBIII.


Offline Pappy

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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2009, 07:19:14 am »
I started with 2 and went to 3 when it came out ,cause it is water proof.It is used on a smooth surface.I have never had any trouble with it.About the cost ,I never really paid much attention,but a bottle last me a long time.Like others have said you do have to work a little quicker if you are putting
on skins or rawhide. Never used it on a handle ,don't do many that need that.I leave the handle in a stave thick or make a bend through if there ant enough wood for a ridged handle.
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Offline GregB

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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2009, 08:18:50 am »
I haven't had much experience with the Gorilla glue, but apparently Justin has and I'd trust his opinion if you want to use it up first...

As for the TB's, I used to use tbII and never had a problem with it. Used it mainly with inlayed tips, snake skins, and putting on grips, etc. I've switched to tbIII mostly due to the water proof quality. Like Pappy said, it sets up quicker and if using with snake skins you need to have your ducks in a row when using it. I prefer tbIII... :)

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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2009, 08:20:34 am »
One big difference between TB2 and TB3 is greater open time, aka the amount of time you have to mess around and align things, spread glue, etc. before you put the two things to glue together. One woodworker friend of mine said it was 10 min extra time for TB3 as compared to TB2. I'm not sure if that is the right length of time, but any extra time can be worth the extra cost of a bottle. Remember that atmospheric conditions can shorten the open time considerably. So doing a complicated glue up in hot, dry weather could result in a bad glue up with TB2 and with TB3's extra open time might turn out okay. This is really an extreme example. If you really need more time, then move to epoxy.

Back to Titebond, TB3 is supposed to be also better for gluing oily and other wise hard to glue woods such as osage orange or exotic woods like teak. So again this is a good reason to spend the extra money.

As for TB3 being waterproof, it's good insurance, but most bows are not subjected to the extreme that would make even TB2's weather-resistance start to be an issue. At the shop where I work, we make cutting boards glued up from scraps of hardwood lumber, we use TB1 which is not water proof, resistant, or any thing. These cutting board last for years of being rinsed and dried, it's the cycles that break down the glue bond. The ends do start to separate, but the rest of the length of the glue joint holds. The end-grain takes on more water anyway.
  Most of us seal our bows with some finish, so water has to get through that layer first before it can get to the glue. If someone glues on a cloth backing with TB3 for example, then the glue itself could count as the finish. The best way to get around the extra cost is to borrow some TB3 from your neighbor or brother-in-law or someone else that you know. Tell them that you just need a little bit... ;)

Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2009, 10:25:13 am »
Greg, don't get confused between the regular gorilla glue and gorilla wood glue.  Gorilla wood glue is a white water based glue with many of the same properties as TB 2.  It even lets go at 150*F after it is dry.  It has a ANSI/HPVA Type II water-resistance, where TB3 has a ANSI/HPVA Type I water-resistance.

Like orcbow said, the water resistance isn't a huge issue. I have submerged dried TB 2 and gorilla wood glue in water for a week and neither softened at all. Justin
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Offline shamus

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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2009, 12:58:09 pm »
TB II or TB III would work fine.

But I prefer Urac.

Gorilla glue is not a good for backing, but it may be okay for a handle. Personally, I wouldn’t use it.

salad days

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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2009, 01:30:52 pm »
I really like the strength and waterproofness of tb3. I have used it on everything, tip, backing, handles. Like GregB and orcbow said have your ducks in a row. Even though it says longer open time, it still sets up pretty quick so you need everything ready to go. I also smooth all surfaces but I've heared alot of guy groove surfaces. It's mega strong and hard to sand off so don't get it on the front of your backing if you can help it.

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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2009, 01:58:41 pm »
I bought a gallon of the TBIII and never looked back! Good stuff! Use it for lams, tips, skins and just about everything that needs glue. Like its KNARLY DUDE!!! As the kids say these days. Young wipper snappers!!!
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Offline Denham Archer

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Re: TB II vs TB III ???
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2009, 02:02:44 pm »
TBIII has NEVER failed in any application I've used it for.