Author Topic: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please  (Read 11287 times)

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Offline DanaM

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Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« on: January 21, 2009, 04:52:19 pm »
Just popped a splinter on this bow 55#@28" I was working it on the tree as I can't pull that far when I heard that
sound that puckers ya right up "TICK"  I'm wondering what all think about shooting it full of glue and wrapping it?
The bow is not for me but a group of teens so it will probably see lots of use and I don't want anyone getting hurt.

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Offline armymedic.2

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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2009, 05:01:12 pm »
from what i have seen others do, it seems like when glued and wrapped, that area stays pretty darn strong, and is more likely to be stronger than it was before.  Pappy wrapped one up with serving that looked pretty neat and looked to be a real shooter.  and least if it did break there again the wrap would serve to hold it together enough to be a soft break instead of an explosion.  i would glue it, wrap it, shoot it in and see how you feel about it then.  just wrap beyond where you think the splinter has traveled.  I certainly wouldn't quit it there.  looks like the beginning of a neat bow.
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Offline John K

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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2009, 05:05:47 pm »
Good luck Buddy ! Never had to fix a splinter yet, but i bet you can do it !
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Offline DanaM

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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2009, 05:16:38 pm »
The splinter is a good 2" long. I went ahead and glued it guess I have to try eh.

As ya can see when I wrapped the birch bark I had my wrapping to tight and left marks ::)
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Offline Pat B

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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2009, 05:19:30 pm »
I'd fill the "splinter"(I'd hate to have that one in my finger  :o ) with super glue and clamp it good until it dries. Then add a wrap across the break and done the splinter 1/4" or so. Silk thread set in superglue works well for this and would be sturdier than sinew with lots of kids using it. A matching wrap on the other limb will balance it out nicely.
   Is the birch bark backing natural or glued on?  
I see you added the birch bark.   Pat
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Offline Ryano

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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2009, 06:18:09 pm »
Glue it and raw hide back it! I hate wrap type repairs, might as well put duct tape on it as far as I'm consered.
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Offline armymedic.2

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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2009, 06:35:47 pm »
ahh, ryano good idea, that's how ill fix my next one  ;D.  The duct tape that is >:D
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Offline Jesse

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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2009, 06:49:25 pm »
uh oh Dana.  :o   Give the repair a try cant hurt. If it doesn't fix it good then it might be another fine walking stick for the wife's collection ;D looks like you got some time into it with that bark and all. I think I would try and save it.
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Offline El Destructo

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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2009, 07:13:28 pm »
I'm with Pat on this One Dana....wrap it good with Silk Thread soaked in Super Glue....and if you want to make it match ...go for it....also in order to Back this Bow....the Birch Bark that Dana glued on would all have to be stripped off....before the Rawhide....I wouldn't waste that much time on it....and then have to go back and retiller it too....I have one that pulled a good splinter....I superglued it....and backed it with Rawhide wrap...and added one to the other that is another option...but I would just use the String for the Kids....will be a tough enough  patch with the cant ever be sure...if you don't give it a chance!!
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Offline DanaM

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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2009, 07:48:38 pm »
I'm going to go with the thread wrap as it should work and is less work, also preserves the birch bark backing.

Backing it with rawhide would be 100% safe but with the work involved I might just as well make a new bow which would probably be faster.

And to be honest ryano while I appreciate your idea of backing with rawhide, whether you like thread wrapped repairs or not is your choice
but it contributes nothing to the discussion.

Thanks for the input folks.
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Offline El Destructo

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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2009, 08:09:46 pm »
                                                    Awwww Ohhhhh   Ahhhhh Ohhhhhh

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Offline madcrow

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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2009, 08:25:46 pm »
You got to hate it when that happens.  Most of the time mine just explode.  I would definately wrap that rascal and give the thread a good layer of titebond.  I wrapped on in hemp and used TB2 and it was as hard as nails.  Good luck.  Nice bow by the way.


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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2009, 10:40:18 pm »
    first off i have to say Wow... that really looks like a nice bow...  i know you have put n some time and a whole lot of effort...   but  if i could say this...  if the splinter on that bow is glued and wraped and the bow is actually saved then it would have turned out - much like some of the kids on this team...    a good bow that had a unfortunant mishap can go either way... but with a little effort and some attention and maybe a quick fix... some super glue and a security wrap and some careful beak in excersize and if its in the spirit of the bow.. it just might turn out ok... 

   much like some of these kids....   a little superglue on whats broken...!  a little guidance and attention... and a whole lot of excersize a stucterail training and who knows if there spirit is stronge than  they just might turn out ok...!  ;)  and if not then at least it wont be for lack of some one trying to build them along...   

   please dont give up on the bow...  i know its a 50 / 50 chance it might not turn out but ther is also a 50 / 50 chance that it does!!! and if it does, im sure the kids will feel like it means all the more to them... ;)

and i will make sure to put that in a class for them to learn and understand from it...  either way if it survives or not they will get the lesson... 

thank you for the kung fu...

i will make sure it becomes a lesson for them and hopefully the bow will survive and if not im sure the boys will have learned something from its storie anyway... ;D ;D ;D



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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2009, 11:15:32 pm »
Take a look at the post titled 'Hickory Splinter +"  These guys just helped me save one.

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Re: Pulled a splinter: Opinions Please
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2009, 05:44:47 am »
What kind of wood is it Dana ? I have rapped a lot but the last picture kind of looks like dry rot.If that is the case it will probably do it somewhere else.How far have you had it out to ?
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