I'm not sure if this is okay to ask here (if not please feel free to slap my hand and send me to the appropriate forum).
I've learned that my arrow making skills are, well, hmm, less than par? (Ok, I've sucked at it

As I work to put finishing touches on my buddy's daughter's bow, I'm trying to line up a source for 3 arrows that would work for this light weight bow. Its 13# @ 16" (her current draw) - 20# @ 20" (the target draw/poundage of this bow). Primitive or even primitive looking would suffice.
Can you recommend a place to find some? Or would anyone be interested in selling or trading me some?
3Rivers has youth arrows for up to 35#, but I have a feeling these might even be too heavy for a 13# bow. Anyone ever seen these arrows, had their kd's shoot 'em? Thoughts?
http://tinyurl.com/6vuuw7 or
Or, recommend a dowel size that might work well - I can give it another try as long as its not from a natural stick. My 'stick' arrows tend to never shoot straight (no, its not my shooting ability, or lack thereof, well, it could be.. but lets stick with blaming it on the sticks okay?

Much appreciate any input.