Yes fires are welcome,I love camp fires.We will have the wood for the asking.The wallmart is about 10 miles away. Yazoo I have about 15/16 vendors lined up.Mike Yancy/Lonewolf archery/JP enterprize/Art Vincent leather works/Ace broad head/Jim Harrar long bow/Gary Davis,Rattle stick bows/Huntworthy Productions,James Parker/Traditional bows,Steve Kitchens/Sipsey River,Big Jim's longbow/ Mike Mcquire Osage from H#%% /

and several more that I can't remember right now,along with a bunch of tailgater's,we ant like a lot of places ,we don't mind that at all.We are full for now on dealers that need a particular spot. Jesse also called me and said he had a friend coming
that sells rock,I am sure there will be a lot of that.I think you will be able to get anything you might want. Well I got 9 day left so yall will have to keep this going week after next.
