First of all, Happy New Year to all here!!!
After blowing up a coupla hickory bows real good, here's my first attempt at BBI, and third attempt at making a bow.
72" total, 54#@28" (AMO). Used a good Hanson scale(300#er). Pulled it 400 times so far on the tiller tree.
There was some suggestion to follow the Jim Hamm(?) recipe of leaving long, long handle with stiffer fades, slightly whip-tillered. I tried for that. 3" "Perry Reflex", relaxed it now looks straight. Haven't applied a finish yet. 1/2" nicks will get narrowed to 3/8" or so.
Not perfect, but I'm hooked and want to make more.
**Gimme your .02, and be BRUTAL. I can take it
