Author Topic: need help to identify and arow set..please  (Read 3988 times)

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need help to identify and arow set..please
« on: December 18, 2008, 09:18:39 pm »
ok people, i have a quesion that might sound a little off the wall....

   several years back maybe about 5-6 yrs ago i bought a dozen arrows from a gun shop / archery store here in north texas in a suberb north of dallas called Carolton Tx... the store was called big bear guns or old bear gunshop or something like that and the store no longer exist and as a matter of fact i only went there once to buy a the set of arrows becuase i went through every archery store in dallas and wans very many at all to began with but nobody hear had traditional arrows all alluminiume or carbon arrows i think carbon not sure but i didnt want anything like that and i called and or visited everybody around here looking for wood arrows...  and then i the last place i checked was the yellow pages and called that place and they said yup they have one dozen left...   you know it was like a couple of days before bow season opened and i told them hold them im on my way...  so i get there and i buy them up and when i saw hem i though tthey were the uglyest arrows i had ever seen...   i was wanting some maybe dark stained shafts and barred feathers and something simple and old school looking... kinda like what you see one the movie robin hood... lol...   i didn't know any better back then hell i still

but i got this set of orange dippep cedar arrows and i thought they were ugly and sooo bright and terrible looking but i said to myself i will buy these and latter on order some differant ones latter....

well i really like this set of arrows and the have really done good for me and i thnk they are the best arrows on the planet now...!   they are hard to loose and shoot soo great and they have never bent out of shape they were straight and damn near perfect when i got them and the few i have left that i didnt manage to loose or break after bout 5 yrs are still as straight adn durrable as the day i bought them...

i have never had a feather go bad on me or peel off or even get to beat up... and tehy are sooo smoothe and the fletching is as perfect as can be the dip and finish is awasome still and the crest is exactly the sam on every one...  im begining to think are these factory produced or is the person who built these the best arrow maker around???

i would love to be able to get another set of these but the box they came in was just a simple white box with now company or personal name on them and the store i bought them from is no longer...

can somebody with all the arrow knowledge be able to track down where these arrows came from???

i will post a couple of pics and mind you my cammera phone probably wont give these arrows justice becuase like i said when i first got them i thought they were but ugly and now they are just as sexy as can be!!!  lol... :D :D :D

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Offline juniper junkie

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Re: need help to identify and arow set..please
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2008, 10:35:56 pm »
was this a older sporting goods store? the arrow looks like some that were made by nirk, generally the arrows that were crown dipped were the premium shafts, the lesser grades were dipped fully. Nirk made arrows through the 60s and 70s and into early 80s then the cedar arrow demand went down with the advancement of aluminum. it may be hard to find arrows of this quality.  they used old growth cedar which was premium for arrow shafts, now we are lucky to get 2nd growth.  watch ebay or craigslist for old arrows. you may have to replace the nocks on some as they tend to get brittle. it is also possible that these were custom made, but I would doubt that they would be in a gun store if they were. di d you check what spine they are? may also be good to weigh them, that way you know what you are looking for.

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Re: need help to identify and arow set..please
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2008, 01:29:15 am »
Hi Shooter,   Juniper has some good ideas, but the best idea was to measure and record the particulars for these arrows.  It's my belief that the POC being sold today is still old growth and often from trees that have been dead for years.  See the web site for the manufactors.  Anyway, given the length, shaft diameter, spine weight, finished weight (mass), fletching size, etc a current copy of your favorite arrows should be possible and should work just as well.  In fact they could be better if you made them in a color you liked better.  It shouldn't be any more difficult than duplicating a favorite reload.
PM me if you want a recommendation on a source for the shafts.  I've got a favorite source that  will be happy to try to match your shafts, or may make some duplicates.  Unfortunately they don't advertise in our favorite archery magazine.    Ron
"A man should make his own arrows."   Omaha proverb   

"There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."    Will Rogers


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Re: need help to identify and arow set..please
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2008, 02:31:23 am »

  yea these arrows are really nice and the most professional arrows i have ever seen,
i boughthtem new in a carboard arrow box paid about 100 bucks for the dozen and teh are something like 24/64 55-60# spine and have 5 1/2" shield cut left wing fletchins and not sure what nocks the have but i know the have the little slit index on the cock feather they were standard siz of about 32" with out tips but came with the 125 grain field points taped on the inside of the box in a little zip lock jewlry bag... and 2 extra nocks taped on inside of the box just stuck to the tape and inner top cardboard...

i bought them maybe about 6-7yrs ago maybe closer to 6 yrs ago... the only hing i remember is when i opened up the box i told the guy wow those are bright and ugly and the guy just chuckled and said you'll appreciate that when your in the woods looking for them... lol...

the guy also said something to the effect of they were coppies of the classic something or another... and i said what?? and he said yea that classic orange dip with yellow crest and feathers were like the classic and named off something that i cant remember... but he said he was lucky to be able to get these in becusase of the demand of arrows right befor the season opened up and said that if i wanted more ther would be a wait on them to come in...   he had alot of achery stuff it was a nice shop it was a gun shop on one side and then through some double doors you walked into a differant room and it was all archery and misc outdoors type stuff but mostly had alot of stuff for compund bows and aluminium arrows and had very few traditional bows there... most wer custom bows and i remember he had a black widow or something like that bow ther and he also had a bamboo backed laminate bow and that was the first time i had seen one like that but the younger guy that was there answering most my questions was real proud of that bamboo backed bow and was trying to sell me on how that was the best bow i would be able to find around these parts... siad he wanted to buy it for himself but couldnt afford it.. at the moment...  i bought the dozen and said in my mind i would be back to get more stuff later time but never walked back in ther and never eve tried to go back to that store until bow season was about to start up this yr and went back looking for that store and to my loss it was no longer there  :(

but anyway i sure wish i knew who built these arrows cuase i would definantly by another set...

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Re: need help to identify and arow set..please
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2009, 01:44:13 pm »
 Find out from the other people around there who used to run that shop.Call the guy and ask him the questions in your heart.(Someone around there will know that info). Then Grasshopper,happiness will be yours.   Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington


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Re: need help to identify and arow set..please
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2009, 04:27:28 pm »
lmao.. :D :D :D

yea i guess i should go do some more investigating around there huh...   thanks for the advice... Fishoonah,

  i think i will do just that...   ;)