My nephews girl friend called me last week and wanted me to make her dad a bow for Christmas

I told her I can't make a bow in a week or two. But she was in luck... I had just finished tillering an Osage bow, 60#@28" with 1" of reflex. She wanted it to be 50#@28". I thought well I could work it down 10 more pounds, but what about set, after shooting it in at 60#. I was kinda hesitant to do it but she really wanted this for her dad and the only way I could get it done was to use this bow. After re tillering it to 51#@29" it took about 1" of set. The skins are Diamond Back from Mike Yancey. They were a pleasure to work with. This is only my second set of skins to apply and the first one was one I had skinned myself. I have to say I'll be calling Mike for some more.
Hope he enjoys his Christmas present.
51# @ 28"
62" NtN
1"@ fades tapering to 3/8" tips.
Cocabolo overlays

Thanks for lookin'