Pat, coming from an established expert like yourself, I take your comment with great pride. Still, if you were here drinking coffee and looking at this bow, you'd say...."Hmmm, upper limb looks just a little stiff yet."
I probably scrape differently than some of you all. My scrapers are thin, not the thick commercial scrapers you get at the wood working places. Mine are about the same thickness as the steel in an Exacto saw. They sharpen square on the edges with a pull down a 10" mill file, no burr to set. Fast, flexible and very agressive. If anyone is interested I'll post a thread just on scrapers. I use them in my day-job. When you use something for long periods you just learn to use the best tool for the job.
You know, another thing I have, is a small block plane with a toothed blade. This lets me cut up-grain, down-grain, across - grain.....wherever, with no tear-outs. I wrote this up for a magazine several years ago and it was published. But, I'll be glad to share details. It really speeds things up in wood with any sort of un-even grain.