This little bow has been a looong time coming. I started it early this spring for my brother. He had intended to shoot it at Pappys, but after I got it tillered, I noticed a little line running across the grain on the back. It wasn't much, but enough to keep you wondering about it.
I made my brother another one and decided to try and fix this one before that line became a splinter. I flirted with the idea of rawhide. Pat B even gave me some nice thin stuff at the classic, (thanks again Pat) but I finaly decided to sinew back it. I put two full courses down each limb with another down just the center. I also used some elk hoof for the tip overlays and covered it all with some western diamondback skins. It's 60" ntn and 1-3/8" wide tapering down to some GIANT tips

She don't draw much, just 47# at 28" but man does it ever shoot hard. Right off the string it has about 1-3/4" reflex and comes back to a little over 2" at rest.
This thing has fought me from the start, but in the end, I like the way it turned out. Saw Filer
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