I completed a couple of bows over the summer. I thought I would take some time and post them. This one I just finished. It comes in at 135 lbs @ 30". It's 78" NTN, 1.61" x 1.03" @ the handle, and weighs in at 2 lbs 9.4 ozs. I kept the belly flat and crowned the back slightly. This bow I chased a ring to get a heart wood belly and a sap wood back. I backed it with burlap mainly because I like the look of it, partly because the ring I chased was thin and I defiantly violated it in a couple of places. The inlay for the arrow pass and the nocks are made from elk tines. I wrapped the handle to round out the belly side of the grip. Finally, I finished this the bow with a homemade oil varnish.
I can't quite get this one all the way back, so no full draw picks yet. Hopefully I'll be launching arrows within a few weeks, and I'll update the post then.