I think it is hard for a bow to re hydrate,, in low humidity,, but I am just guessing and that might not be what happened,, dont ask me how I know about this,,

but I will say when mine blew up,, it was inside in the heat,, and I stuck the moisture meter in the blown up part and it was below 6%,, I had been shooting it all summer,just fine,, this was cold winter ,, when it blew,, so I am just paranoid,, and have noticed some bows blowing lately,, after heat treating etc,, I think spritzing with water after a heat treat might help,, but I am just guessing,,also bow slightly overbuilt would be less likely to blow in questionable conditions,, that being said,, it might not be the cause of your blow up,, but something to consider in the future,, you didnt say how long the bow was,,