I was pondering about taking some extra bows to this flight shoot in May (as back up, in case of unforseen problems), so I tested some of my flight bows to see what the draw length was at 50# ('Cos I'll shoot in the not exceeding 50# class).
I have one ELB (il Bastardo) that is short and brutal, about 90# at 30". It comes to about 50# at 16" draw (measured to belly).
Now what I'm wondering is how far it would shoot a tiny 16" flight arrow which would be lovely and aerodynamic being so short.
I could make up one to try it, but this is just some armchair experimentation
(yes I've got enough flight arrows to make already).
I did try an old 24" flight from a short draw and it pinged out nicely.
Any thoughts, comments...?
BTW. The hide with hair on that I bought does seem to give a nice slick loose