Heres my quick & dirty estimate:
The estimate for stored energy of the giant bow is pretty straight forward. Simply take the energy stored by a 80X2 bow, and scale it by volume.
Drawn to a conservative 28 foot draw length would be the equivalent of a 28 draw on the 80 bow. Assuming the 80 bow draws 50# at 28, the stored energy would be conservatively around 45 ft-lb.
So for the giant bow, stored energy, SE = 45 ft-lb * 12 * 12 * 12 = 77,760 ft-lb
The same scaling applies to the arrow. A 300 grain flight arrow for the 80 bow becomes: 80 x 12 x 12 x 12 = 518,400 grains giant arrow = 74 pounds.
Virtual mass of the bow also scales by volume. If the 80 bow has 200 grains of virtual mass, the. The giant bow has VM = 200 x 12 x 12 x 12 = 345,600 grains.
Velocity for the giant bow 74 pound flight arrow: V = sqrt((2 * 77,600 ft-lb) / ((518,400 grains + 345,600 grains) / (7000 * 32.2)) = 206.2 fps
Dry fire speed = 339 fps.
But, the distance the giant bow flings the giant Flight arrow could easily be 100 yards farther than the equivalent 80# with its flight arrow, but this would be just over 400 yards at the best.