I blew up a little 100lb yew bow today (I was working on it for an event over the weekend, and decided to finish it up during the week. It came out alright, tillered well enough but had a ridiculous knot at one end which gave up at full draw - while taking a photo for a customer who expressed interest in it of course!) so decided to get over the failure by finishing a big holly stave that's been seasoning on my bow rack for about a year.
I left it as big as possible just to see what it would cope with. It's 41mm wide and 36mm deep in the handle, 74" long (I've found that going much over 75" is a pointless move with heavy whitewood bows - all the ash, elm and hazel bows that I've made over 140lb have been under 75" and they're incredibly punchy with lots of front end weight) and 135lb at 30".
It had a few pins and some ugly looking knots on the back, along with a bit of rot and spalting so I wasn't particularly confident, especially considering the large wiggle of reflex and a bit knot all in one small area - but it handled them without a problem.
Simple little MR sidenocks from local cow horn, glued on with hide glue and shaped and finished with a knife.
I'll make up a linen or hemp string for it at some point, and see what it does with a proper replica arrow - I took a lot of measurements of the original arrows at the Mary Rose storeroom recently, as the ones people are making at the moment are actually quite different to the real things.
Anywho, pics. I'll get a full draw at some point.