Gutshot, southern Vermont, not normally a drought area, but we seem to be in a little pocket that gets hit worse than surrounding areas. Plus we get our water from a spring, not a well.
I'm sorry i didn't take photos of the bow yesterday while I was packing it up. I just spaced it out, and also forgot to make up a new string. My mind is slipping working out in the heat on that cistern! Over a hundred degrees in town yesterday! I hope my recipient will forgive me the string, maybe i can make one up in the meantime. Maybe he will take some photos -- I don't have any of the finished bow.
Ajooter, buddy, thanks! I have an old Ford 850 tractor with a backhoe that I did the excavation with, and it cracked a hed while I was working it a few weeks ago -- I found somebody with an old rusty one, superglued it to my small mill's table and milled it flat with a homemade fly-cutter. Ground the valves in and got it back together in 4 days, and had it working on the water project again.
Here's a photo of the cistern armature as it is today. Tons of wire ties in that. That was driving me nuts -- had my ten year old daughter pushing the wire ties back out to me from the inside. Foam pipe insulation around the temporary entry to keep her from getting scratched up.
Ty, thanks supposedly we will be getting some rain the next few days. Hope it's enough, and not the last bit for another month, like it has been. We've got 6" deficit over the last 90 days.