A while back I was gifted a bunch of staves from a fellow who does bow build work shops.
Mostly deflexed twisty yew that he claimed no students ever picked, and also this well seasoned osage stave that was only about 3/4" thick on one limb.
It was highly reflexed and had some twist, I chased to the last sapwood ring and hoped to have enough for a bow.
She is 54" ntn, 1 3/8' wide tapering to very narrow tips. I sharpened them to points, and build up the nocks with sinew.
Started with a bit over 3" of natural reflex, and it kept nearly 2" of it. No heat on this bow, and the twist is unnoticeable when shooting.
Very zippy for 42# at 26", I really tried to keep the tips stiff and narrow. Averaging 152 fps with a 400 gr arrow, and has a very high pitch twang when plucked.
Handle is built up cork wrapped with deer hide. Finished with shellac and tung oil.
Thanks for looking guys