Nice bend man, Ya know I aint a grip wrap kinda guy but that bow is nice. Now that you have built some skinny-shorties, what's your opinion of the whole "hand shock" thing and "mediocure" performance. Seems like you built a fine hunting bow to me.
Hand shock? Hasn't happened to me yet, but I've pretty comfortable making some tiny tips. I'm a big believer in keeping my bows short for the crazy cast I get, and these skinny numbers are just a smack in the face of the myth that locust MUST be wide

It would have been easier if I'd told the guy I had to make it wide, and it probably would have taken half the set, but look at it! It works!

Looks really nice. You are pulling 28" at [nock to nock: 55"] thats great I have some BL drying how long did you dry it for and how did you dry the wood. ?
I just kept it out of the rain for most of its life, nothing actually done to help it along. When I got it in the house I just left it on a rack at room temperature and only slightly lower humidity (Washington). It was just a touch wet the first time I heat treated it, nothing that would have been a problem. I'm sure the toasted belly was a big part of keeping this thing working