Does anyone wonder where the were "Toxophilite" originated? Does the "tox" have anything to do with "toxin"? I don't know at all. Just curious.
from Oxford dictionary: toxophilite
Origin: Toxophilus (a name invented by Roger Ascham, used as the title of his treatise on archery (1545), from Greek toxon "bow" + -philos "loving") + "-ite1"
but I just found this that makes the connection as iron-clad as anything you can choose to believe on the internet:
Student Dictionary
One entry found for intoxicate.
Main Entry: in·tox·i·cate
Pronunciation: in-primarystresstäk-sschwa-secondarystresskamacrt
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -cat·ed; -cat·ing
Etymology: from Latin intoxicatus, past participle of intoxicare "to poison," from earlier in- "put into" and toxicum "poison," from Greek toxikon "arrow poison," from toxon "bow, arrow" --related to TOXIC, TOXIN
1 : to affect by alcohol or a drug especially to the point where physical and mental control is much reduced
2 : to excite to enthusiasm or frenzy
Word History The Greek word toxon means "bow" or "arrow." From this came the Greek toxikon, meaning "a poison in which arrows are dipped." Toxikon was borrowed into Latin as toxicum, which gave rise to the Latin verb intoxicare, "to poison." The English word intoxicate comes from this Latin verb. Intoxicate originally meant "to poison" in English, but now it is almost never used with this meaning. It is related to the words toxic, meaning "poisonous," and toxin, meaning "a poison." Both of these words can also be traced to the Greek toxon.
--taken from the Miriam Webster website.