Like Zuma said, take a vacation, and look the areas over. And like Klienpm said, head over to Tn. and make a mini vacation out of it, borrow, or rent a canoe, kayak, etc. to explore, and research. Even check out Va. . Take a rock hammer with you, or masonry hammer, the same, just not as expensive, and check the rocks that look to have possibilities. Like they said, one way or another you are going to have to pay. Like the old Scottish saying, "If ye wanna dance, ye got to pay the piper."
Pretty much any hobby, is going to cost you money. You could take up making "Isinglass", N.C. is loaded with Mica. But travel, or mail order, or some realllllllly, kind person to send you some, are the only options I see for you. Sorry for your addiction, but I am sure you were forewarned, about it, including the bleeding. So save up the pennies, and take a trip. Make it a fun vacation, and check out the rocks, and Bow, and arrow materials, etc. don't just look for rock only. Do a little research first, and that way, you will cut down on unproductive areas. But at the very least, you will see some nice scenery, and hopefully have a very enjoyable, peaceful, and relaxing vacation. Like they said don't go just for rock, cause once you have all the rock you can haul, then your reason for the trip is over. Relax, and enjoy life, and the world around you. You might even meet people who are more than willing to help you in your quest. Just as any where, be cautious, and careful, and aware of your surroundings. Good luck.